DIY earring & necklace holders

During the holiday week I had in February I wanted to keep busy. When your mum just died a couple of weeks before a holiday, well, you want to keep busy, not to think to much. So I decided to make two jewelry holders for myself. Like most women, I have quite a few earrings and necklaces, but up untill now they were lying in a shelve in my bedroom. Whenever I wanted to wear one, I couldn’t find the matching earring, or my necklaces were all tangled up. Also, it’s hard to see what I’ve got matching my outfit if it’s in one pile.

As always, Pinterest was my place to go to. I first browsed for ideas (you can take a look at my interior inspiration board here to see them), but I quickly made up my mind.

Earring holder

I needed a picture frame and some jute for that. The picture frame was found easily at Action – a store you’ve been hearing about in some other blogposts as well.
I had to search a bit for the jute, but found a good vintage looking roll in Ava, a store that sells a lot of stuff to decorate shop windows or your own themed party.

The only thing you need to do is hammer the jute fabric onto the back of your picture frame. You then hang your earrings into the fabric. This type of holder was perfect for me, since I have both pins and hanging earrings, and not all types of holders were good for both.



The back – with all the earrings in.




Necklace holder

I decided to work with a natural looking one. I needed a wooden stick (loads of them around the house, since Febe collects them and brings them home from school or walks), some nails and thin plastic thread.
You need to peel of the bark from the stick, so you have only the wood left. Then you hammer some nails in, and hang it up with the wire. It’s a simple as that! I did need to add a few more nails to the wail to stabilise the whole thing. The stick is quite light and when I added or removed one of my necklaces, the whole thing would flip over. A few more nails fixed that problem right up!

I love to make stuff for around the house myself. It’s so much more fun to do, you’ve got something that is unique and it’s often very cheap as well. Triple bonus!


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